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Participant1763 CT5V Blackwings were built in 2022 .
ParticipantGo and you will find a plethora of information about the Blackwings. If you have a 6 letter order# , you can give it to Rob the Administrator and your vehicle can be tracked during the build. If history repeats itself, the last year models will be done being built by July 2023. Otherwise you need to re-apply for an allotment for 2024. It is not automatically re-applied by the dealer for you. My friend thought and was told that his 2022 was on its way, when it was NOT. He had to re-apply for a 2023 and it cost him another $7000 grand for the same exact spec car. The 2023’s have been coming much better than the 2022’s, due to chips and carbon fiber. If you want carbon fiber you will have a long wait ! But, in the end, it might be worth it. Some people have deleted the CF just to get a car sooner.
ParticipantI ordered my 2022 5BW in Oct of 2021. Arrived june 2022. Did not order carbon fiber packages. You need to deal with and order from a few dealerships. Each dealership gets an allotment relating to past sales history. My friend ordered a 2022 and never received it. They then ordered a 2023 and it is supposedly built and its been months waiting for delivery. If you are paying a mark up… are being ripped off.
ParticipantYou need to find a completely different dealer. I ordered my CT5-V BW back in October 2021 and received it in June 2022. The 2022 builds were all finished by July 2022. People who did not receive a 2022 were supposedly told to re-submit their build orders again for a 2023 model . Some 23’s have already begun arriving. Carbon Fiber packages was the biggest delay. Do you even have a 6 letter build # from the dealer. If not, you do not have an order placed with Cadillac.
ParticipantOrdered mine in late October. Was built on 3-10-2022 . Picking it up at dealership tomorrow !! Using my GM Card points shaved off $2000. Out the door price is just a tad under $100k.
ParticipantFLY ARMY
ParticipantI found the video on You Tube. Look up Konns Vlogs. He shows that the car is limited to 4500 rpms redline until you hit 500 miles on the odometer and then it jumps to 6500 redline.
ParticipantThere aren’t any at dealers to even test drive ! The ones you see are only available for journalist and car TV shows to do a review. You can find regular CT5’s and 4’s at dealers……but not the same in power as a Blackwing.
ParticipantMy dealer said that my car is “4B00” Bayed. I’m guessing that they parked it and are awaiting more parts. Looking forward to the 4200 code.
ParticipantI heard the number of 1500 last year , when GM said 2022 would be the last year of V8 engines. (Now known to be not true.) When I heard that, I said to myself that I have to try and get me one of them, if possible. I ordered it October and was told by my dealer/owner that they have no clue on who will be able to order one. If you Google the question ….how many 2022 CT5-V Blackwings will be built….it responds with an answer from Oct. 4th that “no more than 3000 total units” between the CT4-V and CT5-V will be built. I believe I saw on TV that they wanted to build 1500 of each. They are now saying that for 2023 only 120 units will be built as 120th Anniversary Editions. If you do the math , Cadillac started in 1902 and 2023 is actually 121 years.
ParticipantThe engine is a Gm LT4 model. 6.2 litre. Same engine as the Corvette LT1.
ParticipantI am beginning to get annoyed with Cadillac. First they announce that 2021 Blackwings will be a limited run of 125 units. Then 2022 is supposed to be the “final” run of 1500 units. Now 2023 is going to have 125 units. Cadillac is pulling the same BS stunt that Dodge did when they made 2500 units of the “limited edition” Shaker hood. People paid extra for the privilege and then the next year they went and made “Un-numbered” Shakers by the thousands. Makes their “limited edition” purchase not so limited anymore.
ParticipantI went to my dealer and he gave me a “locator” sheet of paper that had a VIN# on it that he said was assigned to my order. I went onto and searched many dealer inventories. There are now alot of dealers showing CT5-V Blackwings that are “In Transit”. This tells me that they are definitely back into production.
ParticipantOrdered mine in October 2021 and just received word on 3-12-2022 that it is built or was being built. Should take delivery sometime late April. Summit white/ automatic, no carbon. I’m just happy that I was able to secure one.
ParticipantMy buddy has a car on order with manual xmsn and he wanted the carbon fibre package. They told him that carbon packages are all still on hold. Mine is being built as we speak. Hopefully delivery in April. I didn’t order any carbon fibre.